Sally Tedstone

Breastfeeding Expert

Midwife and Breastfeeding Educator, UNICEF UK Baby Friendly Initiative

Sally Tedstone

Sally Tedstone is our supportive breastfeeding expert with a wealth of practical experience helping mums learn to breastfeed, as well as a strong understanding of how breastfeeding works. Sally’s background is midwifery, and she was a practising midwife for over 20 years. She’s been an infant-feeding specialist since the late 1990s. Her interest in breastfeeding grew after the birth of her first daughter when she understood at last how much feeding matters as a mother.

Sally has had various roles within the NHS supporting breastfeeding: as a midwife; as an infant feeding co-ordinator, which involves training and support for staff so that support for breastfeeding within services improves – and providing specialist help; and as a regional manager within the Department of Health supporting and training infant feeding coordinators and commissioners of services to improve standards across the South West of England.

Sally has worked for UNICEF UK Baby Friendly Initiative for many years. She delivers breastfeeding training to NHS staff and supporting services all over the UK through the Baby Friendly Initiative assessment process, to improve standards of care for mothers and babies.

Sally currently works with UNICEF UK Baby Friendly Initiative supporting the senior team with a number of projects.