
Essential Parent is a unique platform for parents in that it follows expert advice from top, impartial, expert organisations including:

UNICEF UK Baby Friendly Initiative,

St John Ambulance,

Child Accident Prevention Trust,

Meningitis Research Foundation,

and many more.

UNICEF UK Baby Friendly Initiative

Essential Parent’s breastfeeding content is advised by UNICEF UK BFI, and the organisation has also advised all EP’s formula feeding content, and our content on introducing solids. They have also checked all articles on pregnancy & baby to ensure they are in line with UNICEF UK BFI.

(UNICEF BFI) is a worldwide programme of the World Health Organisation and UNICEF.

The UNICEF UK Baby Friendly Initiative was launched in the UK in 1994. Its principles were extended to cover the work of community health-care services in 1998 in the Seven Point Plan for Sustaining Breastfeeding in the Community. In 2005, it launched its set of University Best Practice Standards to accredit universities that run midwifery and health visiting courses. The Baby Friendly Initiative works with the health-care system to ensure a high standard of care for pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers and babies. Support is provided for health-care facilities that are seeking to implement best practice, and an assessment and accreditation process recognises those that have achieved the required standard.

Essential Parent is very proud indeed to have had the backing of the UNICEF UK Baby Friendly Initiative in our Breastfeeding and Bottle Feeding Courses. The BFI provided all the expert advice and allowed us to film their own breastfeeding expert, Sally Tedstone – who has taught hundreds of Mums, as well as breastfeeding teachers, around the UK.

The St John Ambulance

St John Ambulance in England (and the Islands) is the country’s leading first aid training organisation and first aid provider.

With over 23,000 adult members and nearly 20,000 young members who can be seen in their distinctive uniforms helping the public throughout the country on a daily basis.

St John Ambulance train 575,000 people each year in First Aid and Health and Safety and provide treatment and care to some 125,000 patients on an annual basis (many of whom are in life-threatening situations). They have over 1,000 ambulance and support vehicles and regularly provide a support service to the NHS Ambulance Trusts.

Back in 2011, Essential Parent was delighted when the St John Ambulance agreed to work alongside us to create complete infant and toddler first aid courses on video. Charlie Weeks-Bell and Heather Graham couldn’t have been more knowledgable, professional and enthusiastic during the long days of filming. We all hope the resulting videos will help new parents around the world feel more confident dealing with emergencies.

Child Accident Prevention Trust

The Child Accident Prevention Trust (CAPT) is the UK’s leading charity working to reduce the number of children and young people killed, disabled or seriously injured in accidents.They exist because accidents are a leading cause of death and serious injury for children and young people. Many of these accidents can be prevented.

The Essential Parent Company feel very honoured to have had none other than the Chief Executive of the CAPT, Katrina Philips, present all the advice we filmed for parents to help them learn to reduce the risk of potential accidents that can befall young children.

Meningitis Research Foundation

The Meningitis Research Foundation is a registered charity that fights death and disability from meningitis and associated infections by funding vital scientific research. They provide 24 hour support services for any concerns you may have about meningitis and septicaemia.

Their vision is a world free from meningitis and septicaemiaMillions of people have already been affected by meningitis and septicaemia in the UK, Ireland and around the world. They are devastating diseases which can kill and seriously disable in hours.

But the sad fact is meningitis and septicaemia kill around 1,000 people around the world every day. Every single day one person dies in the UK and Ireland alone. Babies and children under five and young people are especially vulnerable but anyone of any age can be affected.

Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health

Essential Parent’s original material was developed in association with members of the RCPCH.